Advanced FM Course
For Facility Managers Who Want to Take their FM Leadership Skills and Expertise to the Next Level.
This 100% online course provides advanced understanding of key FM topics and global trends, preparing FM professionals to integrate advanced FM management practices into their own operations. Learners will increase their knowledge, skills and insight in preparation for greater demands and changing responsibility in FM.
Learn how to strategically prioritize between corporate business, facility services and asset requirements, while ensuring the facility is functionally servicing the needs of its customers.
Key Objectives
Global trends and insights in the FM sector and how they apply to managing your facilities
Understanding and application of data analytics and metrics for improved services and facilities’ performance
Assessing Risk Strategies for workplace mobilization
Developing and maintaining high performance teams
Integrating value-added strategies to optimize facility operations
Enhanced understanding of the organization’s business model and how to strategically align with Corporate direction

Exceptional Teaching
All Facility Management courses at the University of Toronto are designed and led by AMFM's Marcia O'Connor, a recognized award-winning and experienced FM executive, along with a select group of highly seasoned FM experts.
Who Is This Course For?
This online course is designed for facilities management professionals in both public and private sectors across Canada who want to take their FM leadership expertise to the next level.
The Advanced FM course is highly recommended for, middle managers, directors and supervisors seeking to advance their knowledge, skills and insight in preparation for higher positions of responsibility in their industry. The course also provides continuous next step learning for FM professionals who have successfully completed the UofT SCS Facilities Management Certificate Program.
Weekly online classes start Monday, February 22, 2021 for six (6) weeks.
· February 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29
Course includes a capstone project.
100% online via University of Toronto’s Quercus learning management system
Price: $750 + TAX
Should you have any questions about this offering, please reach out to us at:
We are pleased to offer our Advanced FM Course online through University of Toronto.